Pre-eclampsia is known to have a neurological manifestation in some women, the most obvious being an eclamptic seizure. Competence in basic neurological assessment is an important midwifery skill that enables early detection and management of neurological and medical emergencies. The midwife may be involved in initial assessment and instigate urgent referral, and should remain involved for essential ongoing family support. The most common headache in pregnancy is a simple tension headache. A stroke, also known as a cerebrovascular accident, is when blood-flow to a part of the brain is stopped, either by a blockage such as a clot or the rupture of a blood vessel. Seizures can also arise from pregnancy and non-pregnancy-related causes. Symptoms of hypoglycaemia include feeling hungry, trembling or shakiness, feeling anxious, irritable or moody and sweating. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious complication of diabetes that occurs when there is a lack of insulin.