According to Ludwig Wittgenstein, it is important to understand that the interpretations amount to metaphors which currently tyrannizes people because while people are in the language of the metaphors people are usually unable to move outside of them. Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations aim to offer the means to make one aware of the grave mistake in demanding foundational research programmes in order to deal with some assumed reductive 'philosophical' problems. The aim of investigations is to clear thought - dissolve certain conceptual problems - that occurres within the practice being investigated. According to Wittgenstein, a separation cannot be accepted because [w]hat belongs to the essence of the world cannot be expressed by language. Wittgenstein's investigations in general and his account of the Inner in particular might therefore be said to have a Kantian value. Not because of any detailed similarities to Kant, but because it sets limits on the speculative enterprise of resolving all issues from reason alone.