This chapter brings together a rather diverse collection of subjects which have, nevertheless, a certain unity in that they all form part of the large (and prosperous) sector of industry devoted to entertainment. Hence it is not only convenient but logical to include them in one chapter. Music is the first area to be covered, that is musical compositions and recordings. Recordings, of course, are not always musical, nor are live performances which form the next topic. Broadcasting and cable services are obviously an important area, but equally obviously they represent too vast an area to cover comprehensively in a single section of a single chapter. Next, the chapter looks at films and videos (one of the most profitable fields for the pirate). In the course of dealing with these topics it will be necessary to look at rental right, censorship of films and videos, and piracy and safeguarding of rights, insofar as these matters are not dealt with in other chapters. One important topic, the Internet, will be more appropriately dealt with in Chapter 5.