Bina Agarwal (Institute o f Economic Growth, University o f Delhi, India)


Exploring the Relationships between Gendered Land Rights, Intra-household Allocations and Productivity in Africa Cheryl Doss (Yale University, New Haven , USA)

Gender Inequality in the Land Tenure System of Rural China Zhu Ling (Chinese Academy o f Social Sciences, Beijing, China) and Jiang Zhongyi (Ministry o f Agriculture, Beijing, China)

Who Owns the Land? Gender and Land Titling Programmes in Latin America Carmen Diana Deere and Magdelena Leon (National University, Bogota, Co­ lombia)

Economists have long emphasized the importance of secure land rights for promoting incentives and efficiency in agriculture. It is also well recognized that for millions of rural households in developing countries the ownership and control of agricultural land is crucially linked to viable livelihoods, a lower risk o f poverty, a greater ability to bargain for higher wages, and better access to credit and improved agricultural technology. In other words, command over land is found to add both to welfare and to efficiency within agriculture (for references, see Agarwal, 1994).