In order to understand participants in conversation manage to produce such orderly exchanges of talk, it needs an attempt to amalgamate the comprehensive model of outlining a basic turn-constructional component and a turn-allocation component with the identification of specific cues marking the ends of turns in conversation. Sacks et al. model, the turn-constructional component is problematic because in extended turns come across a number of possible transitional-relevance places and we need some mechanism, some set of signals for indicating the appropriateness of a change in speaker at these different points. The Sacks et al. model is a comprehensive model but one with some important gaps. Slugoski has recently queried the role of prosody in the process. His main point stands: the content of turns is relevant to conversational structure. This is hardly new, but other channels of communication are also implicated in the process. Prosody and kinesic behaviour operate around the main channel of speech to demarcate suitable response junctures.