For two reasons the simple and satisP fying laboratory model of the controlled experiment is difficult to achieve in measuring the effects of a program First, it is virtually impossible to find groups which are identical in all major respects save that of participation in a given program. Second, there exists a widespread and understandable relucP tance to deny to systematically selected segments of homogeneous groups the putative benefits of programs, a proceP dure which does produce an approximaP tion to a control group.2 *

cago Area Project will have to rest, therefore, on an appraisal of its experiP ence in carrying out procedures assumed by its founders and supporters to be relevant to the reduction of delinquency. To this end, the theory of delinquency causation underlying the Area Project program will be presented. This will be followed by a description of the proP cedures regarded as essential to the modification of conditions which proP duce delinquency. Finally, the adaptaP tions and modifications of these proceP dures will be described and evaluated.