In the play No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre (1944/1989), a character remarks that 'hell is other people'. Resilience in dealing with difficult people does not mean one will always prevail in influencing them to change. Passive-aggressiveness refers to a person expressing his anger indirectly through such actions as silence, sarcasm, sulking, withdrawing affection, or not following through on commitments or promises despite his initial assurances to the contrary. Sometimes the most difficult person one have to deal with is themselves. It takes personal courage to admit this rather than blaming others for their difficulties. The struggle within themselves can last a long time before any progress becomes evident because one is wedded to a viewpoint that is very difficult to shift. Responding resiliently to whatever is thrown at them in life is a great set of skills to have. Like all skills, resilience skills require frequent practise to maintain and improve them.