The process of setting ambitious aims for pupils' growth in confidence, independence and resilience, and using them to inform teachers' planning, is similar to the process of setting ambitious academic goals, planning backwards from them, and mapping out learning across the year. A classroom's overarching aims should transform what takes place there, informing even the smallest decisions and allowing the teacher to steer a course through competing pressures and priorities. Teachers should explicitly aim to ensure that all of their pupils become confident, independent, resilient learners. Each of these three qualities is an essential support for the others. In the classroom, evaluation, whether of academic progress or other mindsets and skills, is not merely a way to understand the impact, it's also one of the most powerful levers for making an impact in the first place. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF)'s Teaching and Learning Toolkit identifies feedback as one of the two most powerful mechanisms for accelerating pupil progress.