Chapter 6 focuses on how best to communicate the message of aesthetic sustainability. Unless consumers have access to the kind of thinking and time that have formed the aesthetically sustainable object—or are able to experience the sensuous pleasure that characterizes the good design experience—it might be difficult to convince them that the object is in fact durable, and that, consequently, its expression and quality will continue to elicit a sense of aesthetic pleasure or nourishment for years to come. This chapter presents different ways to communicate or brand a product as being aesthetically sustainable. The general rule is that all communication about aesthetic sustainable value must adhere to transparency. The user must be able to feel part of whatever lies behind a given product and the intentions that it has been charged with. Furthermore, Chapter 6 discusses and analyzes the concept of value. In order to infuse a product with aesthetically sustainable value, it is important to relate to what is generally considered valuable according to the time and culture that form one’s context.