Klára Erdelyi, Róbert Vámbéry’s partner, had been hard at work making arrangements for the Kolnais’ accommodation and other material needs. In the absence of Vámbéry himself in Cuba (much lamented by Aurel) she had met the S.S. Siboney, but didn’t know exactly when they would be released from their detention on Ellis Island. So when she returned home at 1.30 a.m. on December 12th from a visit to friends, she found them “hanging about in the street”, as Kolnai reported in a letter to Robert. 1 Eventually she got them temporarily settled in the Scitovskys’ apartment at 401 West 118th Street, a comer house near Columbia University. Tibor, a friend of Robert’s, equipped Kolnai for the rigours of the New York winter by giving him a dark grey suit and an overcoat. Many other items of clothing were awaiting them from the Lányis and other relations of Elisabeth’s, including Maurice Schleß, a wealthy New York jeweller. Pal Winkler had sent them money to Ellis Island, and Schleß now contributed $200.