The Enlightenment left as its legacy to the Western world a theory of gender difference based upon the perceived ability or inability to reason. Rationality, with its concomitant facility for making moral judgements, was deemed to be characteristic of men; a diametrically opposing state of 'nature' and thus amorality was deemed to epitomize the disposition of women, children and animals. The experiences of women, children and animals have been closely identified as lacking reason, and being closer to nature. Women were forced to subordinate themselves to men to anchor themselves in the new world of reason and science. As women are excluded from the community of the male, it is unsurprising that she writes at length about the domestic tastes, habits and vicissitudes of her male characters. In depicting her fictional males within the home she depicts them in their least powerful position. Though their womenfolk are dependent upon them financially, they are dependent upon their womenfolk for home comfort.