In May 1970, Betty led completion of the Report of the Subcommittee on the Status of Academic Women on the Berkeley Campus. Fourteen recommendations backed by 15 appendices comprised the heart of the 78-page report that took a year to prepare. Betty reported the overall findings to women members of the faculty at the May 1 meeting of the WFG. The statistics at UC-Berkeley were worse than at many other major universities in the US. The Policy CSAW recommended to the UC president that he request of the regents up to two paid maternity leaves for each woman. The UC-Berkeley committee on committees, a senate committee that appoints individuals to the other senate committees, was asked to appoint women to major policy-making committees in representative numbers. The Policy CSAW recommended the budget committee take steps to improve the status of women. These should include regular review of women research associates so they could be properly recognized and promoted.