Women in the UC-Berkeley school of education had formed their own caucus. Their steering committee delivered a call for reform to the school's policy committee, copying everyone in sight. Betty had pointed out to the VCAA the particular problems in the design department and chairs of the relevant academic senate committees, such as educational policy and courses of instruction. In early April, Betty again went to bat for the design department. The senate educational policy committee was conducting an investigation of the problems in the design department; the faculty member's two series of courses should be retained, she argued, until the committee completed its investigation. Betty composed a very thoughtful letter to her chancellor 'heartily endorsing' the Prytanean Alumnae Inc. proposal to house a center for renewed education for women in the WFC building. The UC-Berkeley administration expressed appreciation for the suggestions offered by the WFG, but it wanted to go ahead with nonacademic women, and wait on academic women.