This chapter expands on the treatment of three Background Conditions of Verbal Ability, Autonomy and Opportunity in the first 5-Stage Model, (the Communicatee's Model), which are also the first three stages in the second 8-Stage Model of our Theory, (the Communicator's Model). It explains how the presence or absence of the Condition concerned may be diagnosed. The chapter discusses how in general terms the Communicatees, particularly children, can be provided with what is lacking or how existing provision for this lack can be identified. Literacy in itself is dispensable for religious communication, although in practice it is very hard to dispense with. The adults who can profitably use works in the fields of their own special interests will be those who have attained the minimum literacy also needed for religious communication. It is preferable therefore to hope that with better education all will one day become mature readers and will have the literacy and oracy sufficient for our purposes.