The new thinking now beginning is the return to Augustine after Levinas. Thinking coming into existence without not being the object of sense perception & immediate cognition and without the transcendence of life not beginning: the beginning of the transcendence of the being of life the object of sensibility & immediate cognition. For the first time a categorically new logic is the form of the actual proof of Timaeus' proportion. The categorically new logic is the form now existing for the first time of the actuality of the Incarnation qua beginning. The coming into existence of the Word is the logic of existence. The new form of the proof of Timaeus' proportion is to exist is absolutely to begin to exist. The new form of the proof of Timaeus' proportion is the categorical imperative to begin anew. The imperative is to think the beginning of existence, to think what was not thought in Hegel's thought of beginning. The imperative now actually existing is to think the beginning Kierkegaard thinks & says is unthinkable, the beginning of existence. The new imperative is to think categorically coming into existence. But this is to think the beginning otherwise than being, that is, other than being & other than nothing, that is, other than being but not nothing, since other than nothing is together with other than being, since not nothing is together with not being. Beginning other than being & nothing is the beginning of existence where there is no thought of nothing.