This chapter discusses a set that include Die Liebe hat gelogen (Love has Lied) August von Platen-Haller-münde, Selige Welt (Blessed World) Johann Chrysostomus Senn, Schwanengesang (Swan Song) Johann Chrysostomus Senn, and Schatzgrabers Begehr (The Treasure-Hunter's Request) Franz von Schober. The set revolves around two poems by Schubert's friend, the Tyrolean poet Johann Senn. As a set of four, the songs are arranged into two related pairs of opposites. The first pair contrasts the sense of being betrayed with the need to have faith in whatever life offers. The second pair contrasts the experience of being in two minds with that of being totally single-minded. Schatzgrabers Begehr summarizes the harmonic uncertainties, particularly the frequent oscillations between major and minor, which characterize the first three, shorter songs. More significantly, it is the only song that ends in a passage where the key is firmly settled.