This chapter focuses on Millennials' views of the new cyber-virtual worlds in which they are immersed. Drawing mainly on a series of focus group discussions and written "cyber-memoirs", the chapter examines their accounts of their near-continuous use of digital technologies, and discusses how "becoming cyborgs" cybernetic organisms may be affecting their world-views. The chapter describes what the authors learned about the emerging cultural model, encompassing both norms of cyber-technology use and the meanings users give to their experiences, and discuss how being the first generation to "grow up wired" appears to influence their world-views. Social networking sites form a large region in which nearly all Millennials participate, and Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, etc. can be considered heavily populated niches within it. The realm of augmented reality seems to surround them as a virtual panopticon with its basic design reversed: it is as if they reside in a glass-walled dwelling in the center, and the ring around them contains observers' stations.