Regreening strategies can be planned with new development and applied to existing infrastructure; dense urban areas can be softened and existing open space can be conserved. Comprehensive master planning can control future growth patterns by mandating urban growth boundaries, compact development, density limits, open-space plans, land conservation, stormwater management, alternative transportation, and pedestrian environments. Regreening efforts can be applied to roadways, parking surfaces, structures, rooftops, brownfields, and rail, alley, water, and utility corridors. Greenspace can be created through brownfield reclamation and by earth sheltering and/or greening the walls and rooftops of our buildings and other residential structures. Fortunately, the green movement has finally become mainstream. Designers must understand that constructing an unnecessary project and marketing it as "green" can be just as irresponsible as constructing a necessary, non-sustainable project. In the long run, such "greenwashing" only hurts our planet.