This chapter looks at the questions that have recently been raised about the New Deal for Transport and draws attention to the White Paper’s offer of a better environment. Having outlined the White Paper’s discussion on environmental appraisal, it goes on to examine the BEQUEST (Building Environmental Quality and the Evaluation of Sustainability) project and the protocol the Concerted Action Programme (CAP) has devised to meet the environmental, economic and social issues of the sustainable development agenda. The examination reports on the survey of assessment methods BEQUEST has undertaken for the European Commission (EC) and classification of appraisals and evaluations this provides. From here the chapter examines the results of the mapping exercise that has been carried out to identify the sustainable development issues which the assessment methods currently address. After highlighting the significance of transport-related issues in assessing the sustainability of urban development (SUD), the examination sets out the appraisals and evaluations available to assess the environmental, economic and social impact of transport-related development.