This chapter focuses on the possibilities of creating a stable software pattern for fairness that works as a common template for use in all domains and situations where the word fairness is extensively used and worked. Stability model also points out different flaws in traditional modeling and hence it can build better software models with its stable patterns. Stability model offers better stability and scalability, since it provides a holistic way of modeling, because it can be applied to every application irrespective of the domain or context. The chapter describes the functional requirements and nonfunctional requirements of the fairness stable analysis pattern. The impact or result of fairness on other entities could be love, affection, consideration, sympathy, empathy, impartiality, bias-free, equality, and justice. Fairness can have a variety of applications, ranging from multiple domains to some specific contexts. Fairness judges a scenario by providing a decision that is discrimination-free and that abides by all rules and standards.