This book has argued that the EU has treated Turkey differently compared to the other applicant countries in the present enlargement round. In this respect, before further exploring this argument, there seems to be an important question remaining: why should the EU treat all applicants 'fairly' in the enlargement process? In this respect, the question rnight arise as to where the borders ofthe EU should ultimately end. Should the EU differentiate the applicants on the basis of geographical, cultural, and historical criteria? If Turkey is being considered then what about Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Caucasus states. It is true that Turkey is a Eurasian country in geographical terms. However, Turkey has been politically and econornically aligned with Europe: she is a member of NATO, the Council of Europe and an associate member of the EU that foresaw an eventual Turkish membership. This is currently the main difference between the Association agreement of Turkey and Cooperation Agreements with Russia, Ukraine and with Caucasus states in which the EU has not extended prornises for eventual membership to these countries.