The physiology of trauma describes the mechanics of acute stress and trauma symptoms, and the physiology and neuroscience of trauma. The physiology explains symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, avoidance and hyperarousal. The neuroscience explores the reptilian, limbic and prefrontal cortex sections of the brain, and other significant areas of the brain impacted by trauma such as the amygdala, hippocampus and hypothalamus. The survival response, Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fawn, is explained in detail. The author shares her own personal experience of suffering PTSD, as well as interlacing the work with aid workers’ experiences, such as witnessing bombings, civil unrest, kidnappings and sexual violence. Also not overlooking the cumulative effect of trauma, from difficult management or team dynamics, working long hours and being separated from their natural resources. The material in this chapter can be used as a stand-alone educational tool, for trauma awareness, acute stress awareness and resilience building, during the preparation and induction phase of staff.