Unconditional Positive Regard continues the examination of clinician susceptibility to client disavowal, discrepancies and incongruities and to the role projected on and required of the clinician by the client’s fantasies. Participation in the experiential countertransference case conceptualization group gives the student clinician a nuanced understanding of developmental assessment and treatment planning and awareness of the vast reservoir of information to be found in countertransference. Projective identification—the precursor of intersubjectivity—and its use for the client’s clinical gain can be both taught and learned. Academic rationale includes the goals–process dialectic and (conforming to the working hypothesis) the student clinician’s need for continuing “horizontal development” in the Feeling-Sensing Style. Composed student and client material illustrates the method’s contribution to the successful conclusion of a case. The dialectic between goals and process in counseling and therapy is again reinterpreted: it is to use process to perfect and precisely delineate the goals.