This chapter provides coaches with information on the complexities of relationships with athletes and factors that influence this relationship. It also provides information on: a definition of the coach-athlete relationship, the benefits of the coach-athlete relationship, the undesirable consequences of a strong coach-athlete relationship, describing the coach-athlete relationship, factors that influence the coach-athlete relationship, how coaches can improve the coach-athlete relationship, and conflict in the coach-athlete relationship and what to do when it happens. Athletic excellence and personal growth can be facilitated by the coach-athlete relationship. Coaches can improve the coach-athlete relationship by giving their athletes choices and rationale, acknowledging their feelings, and provide them with non-controlling feedback. There are two key elements to the coach-athlete relationship: successfulness and effectiveness. Closeness, commitment, complementarity, and co-orientation are key components of the coach-athlete relationship. The COMPASS model can be implemented by coaches to maintain a coach-athlete relationship.