This chapter provides information on doping, how coaches may influence attitudes towards doping and what they can do to reduce favourable attitudes towards doping and doping susceptibility. It contains information on: a definition of doping, the doping problem in sport, physical health consequences of doping, mental health consequences of doping, the role of coaches in shaping attitudes towards doping and advice for coaches on promoting anti-doping attitudes among their athletes. Doping represents a violation of anti-doping rules, and includes banned methods and substances. Methods and substances may be banned at all times, in competition, or in particular sports. There are many physical health consequences associated with doping, which include damage to the liver, heart, and kidneys. Taking performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) can result in a number of mental health problems such as aggression and athletes being more at risk of committing suicide. The Sport Drug Control Model (SDCM) and the SDCM for Adolescent Athletes (SDCM-AA) both attempt to explain why athletes dope.