Hungarian artist Mihály Munkácsy painting (which now resides on the third floor of the New York Public Library) depicts a dark, but handsomely decorated room. Munkácsy's painting is all the more unique in that it depicts Milton (1667), in the process of creating his most famous work, Paradise Lost. Moreover, James was one of the first individuals to mathematize the term 'self-esteem', which he described as GÇ£a self-feeling that 'in this world depends entirely on what we back ourselves to be and do'GÇ¥. American psychology, now on par with other academic disciplines, focused a great deal of attention on both the self and the role that self-beliefs play in the human experience, conceptions that would dominate the work of the first generation of psychologists who focused on relations between society and selfhood. People need to focus their attention on the welfare of the intimate, emotional, and compassionate connections we have with others.