Partial Topical Headings: The development of the motorship; The source of the capital investment; Operating problems' revenue; Shipping depression; The tax burden of Norwegian shipping; Personnel problem; Specialization of shipping# Includes charts and tables·


Further advance in shipping rate, (in Economist « vol. 127, May 8, 1931, p p . 331-332)

Shipbuilding and shipping, 1937· (in Economist. vol. 130, Feb. 12, 1938, Supl. pp. 53-54)

Shipping rates up. (in Bus, week. Sept. 18, 1937, PP· 1617)


4 Chronological Years, 1941-1950


Purser’s manual and marine storekeeping, by C.E. Hill. New York: Cornell Maritime Press, 1941. 1 94p·

Uniform system of accounts for carriers by water, effective January 1, 1942. Washington: Interstate Commerce

Commission, 1942. 112p.