Discusses increases in the rates of hire for requisitioned tramp ships of 5,000 tone deadweight and over*

19, 1944, pp. 253-254)

5 Chronological Years, 1951-1960


The construction costs and the value of the British merchant fleet, 1850-1 9 3 8, by K. Maywald. (in Scott, .i . polit. econ.. vol. 3(1), Feb. 1956, pp. 44-6¿)

Partial Topical Headings: 2, Construction costs up to 1910 ; 3, Cost reviewed and compared with other information; 4, Construction cost after I9IO; 5, The value of British merchant fleet, I85O-I938# Tables : Estimated average costs of steamers, I83O-I938; 2, The value of the output of new ships, 1907-1935» 3, The value of the British merchant fleet, I83O-I938; 4, The book value of the merchant fleet per gross ton, 1920-38.