Sepp.med is a medium-sized, owner-managed company, which specializes in IT solutions with integrated quality assurance in complex, safety-critical areas. As a service provider, sepp.med focuses on the realization of complete services, which may be technical. During the past decades, sepp.med performed many quality assurance projects using model-based testing (MBT) and jointly developed the automatic test case generator "MBTsuite" together with a partner, AFRA GmbH. MBTsuite automatically generates executable test cases and test data from graphical models. To ease the handling of the modeling tool and to support MBT-specific modeling, sepp.med developed a plug-in tool called "MBTassist", which provides a user interface to enter any parameter required by MBTsuite. For absolute MBT newcomers, sepp.med usually recommends the International Software Testing Certification Board (ISTQB) Certified Model-Based Tester training, which provides an overview on various MBT approaches. Like any other organizational change, introducing MBT should not be underestimated.