Changing Lives and Changing Outcomes (CLCO) has been delivered in the Lubbock County Court Residential Treatment Center (CRTC) and Lubbock-Crosby County Adult Supervision and Probation, Harris County probation department, Maine Department of Corrections, CorrectCare services, and the Forensic and Mental Health Services, Inc., Hamilton Ohio, Butler County. Preliminary examination of CLCO has produced promising results. Importantly, criminal justice involved persons with mental illness (CJ-PMI) participants of CLCO also learned the content and principles taught to them during the various therapeutic modules. That is, participants in CLCO demonstrated increased knowledge acquisition as assessed from pre-module to post-module content tests. Finally, CJ-PMI who successfully completed CLCO were over two times as likely to successfully meet the conditions of their probation compared to CJ-PMI who were unsuccessfully discharged from the CLCO program. CJ-PMI who completed the treatment program evidenced a 71" decrease in the rate of positive drug screenings before and after treatment.