This chapter recommends some measures because the battery of assessments provides a broad assessment of psychiatric, criminal justice involved persons with mental illness (CJ-PMI), and general mental health functioning and outcomes. Also, it is important to note that these measures are all in the public domain. The DSM-5 Self-Rated Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Measure is a 23-item self-report brief screening tool that assesses symptom presentation in relation to potential DSM-5 diagnoses. The Recovery Assessment Scale is a 41-item self-report measure that assesses the individual's sense of recovery through domains such as goal orientation, self-confidence, hope, reliance on others, and life-view. The Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles–Short Form is a 35-item self-report measure that assesses thought patterns associated with criminal behavior. The Measure of Criminal Attitudes and Associates is a two-part self-report measure that evaluates criminal associates and antisocial attitudes. The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule is a 20-item self-report measure of positive and negative affect.