Herman Daly, Johan Galtung and Peter Soderbaum are thought-provoking representatives of ecological economics anchored in interdisiplinarity, transdiciplinarity or multi-paradigmatic approaches. Herman Daly is an important contributor in establishing and developing ecological economics as an academic discipline. Daly and Cobb Jr. also explained some basic principles for a new economic paradigm. To capture complex issues in a dynamic reality they claimed that ecological economics had to be a multidisciplinary project. To avoid the fallacy of misplaced concreteness Daly argues that it is necessary to extend the scientific perspectives of mainstream economics. Galtung mentions seven trends that underlie the severe challenges the current economy and society are facing. He uses the term "living economy" as a concept for a peace-making economy. The main premise for a peace economy is fair distribution of resources, securing the basic needs for all human beings. Söderbaum introduces a multi-paradigmatic approach to ecological economics and he sets it in terms of the political economic person (PEP).