The ontological software of operations research, and 100 text analysis companies using secret algorithms, is colonizing the living story webworks of actor-actant life as well as qualitative-multiplicity with numeric-multiplicity logic coded in the software. Conversational interviews are less one-sided. Structured interviews are one-sided storytelling encounters, interrogations far from egalitarian, and leave many untold stories in their wake. The several ontological ways show how the numeric-multiplicity and qualitative-multiplicity of ontological existence on the planet necessitate new Storytelling in Action research methods. The digital revolution created digital space time mattering and new modality of material-discursive, with technological processes that gave rise to new technological entities. Processes are taking on antenarrative reconfigurations such as cycles of repeated routines of self-sameness in our work lives are disrupted, becoming spirals that have upward and downward, left and right movements, and are agential in their ways of space time mattering.