As in many other areas of social determinants of health, policy recommendations on

employment conditions and health inequalities need to be implemented and evaluated.

Case studies at the country level can provide a flavor of “what works,” but they remain

essentially subjective. Employment conditions research should provide policies that

actually reduce health inequalities among workers. Workplace trials showing some desired

effect on the intervention group are insufficient for such a broad policy research area. To

provide a positive heuristic, the authors propose a set of new policy research priorities,

including placing more focus on “solving” and less on“problematizing” the health effects

of employment conditions; developing policy-oriented theoretical frameworks to reduce

employment-related inequalities in health; developing research on methods to test the

effects of labor market policies; generalizing labor market interventions; engaging,

reaching out to, and holding onto workers exposed to multiple forms of unhealthy

employment conditions; measuring labor market inequalities in health; planning, early on,

for sustainability in labor market interventions; studying intersectoral effects across

multiple interventions to reduce health inequalities; and looking for evidence in a global
