For the occasion why we pretended those proceedings with our sister was, that we highlye forsawe the varyable and dangerous estate of princes and that as well as the meanest they are subject unto chaunge, which caused us to suspect oure owne magnificence and that which nowe inded ys chaunced unto us, for we have resyned the estate of our government which heathertoo hath bene so royally maynteyned into the hands of a straunger whoe is nothinge alyed unto us our lande or crowne. The occasion whereof is the perverse and evill dealinge of our subjects who mourmour and repine at us, for gettinge loyaull obedience, they practice againste our person. The which to prevent we have gyvene them over unto an other prince to governe them but have reserved in our custodye all the treasure of the lande withe sufficient trayne and place for their and our relyefe.7