I shall discuss is to be found in the section of his Philosophy of Logic2 called “Set Theo ry in Sheep’s Clothing.** M uch of th is section is devoted to dispelling two confusions which we can easily agree w ith

Quine in dep lo ring : th a t of supposing th a t and ‘(F ) ’ say th a t some (all) p red icates (i.e., predicate-expressions) are th u s and so, and th a t of supposing th a t quan tification over a ttr ib u te s has rele­ v a n t ontological advan tages over quan tifica tion over sets. W ha t I wish to d ispu te is his assertion th a t the use of p red ica te le tte rs as quan tifiab le variab les is to be deplored, even when the values of those variab les are sets, on the g round th a t p red icates are no t names of th e ir extensions. Quine w rites, “ P red icates have a ttr ib u te s as th e ir ‘in tensions' o r m eanings (or would if there were a ttr ib u te s) and they have sets as the ir ex tensions; b u t th ey are nam es of neither. V ariables eligible for quan tifica tion therefore do no t belong in pred ica te positions. T hey belong in nam e positions" (67). L e t us g ran t th a t p red icates are no t names. W hy m ust we then

suppose, as the “ therefo re" in Q uine’s sentence would ind icate we m ust, th a t variab les eligible for quan tifica tion do no t belong in p red ica te positions? Quine earlier (66/7) gives th is a rgum en t:

Consider first some ordinary quantifications: ‘(3*)(x walks)', ‘(jc) (jc walks)’, 4(3 x)(x is prime)’. The open sentence after the quanti­ fier shows V in a position where a name could stand; a name of a walker, for instance, or of a prime number. The quantifications do not mean tha t names walk or are prime; what are said to walk or to be prime are things tha t could be named by names in those positions. To put the predicate letter 4/^’ in a quantifier, then, is to treat predi­ cate positions suddenly as name positions, and hence to treat predi­ cates as names of entities of some sort. The quantifier ‘(3 F)' or ‘(F )’ says not tha t some or all predicates are thus and so, but th a t some or all entities of the sort named by predicates are thus and so.