In the 1970s, Anne Buttimer taught at Clark University where I was a graduate student writing a doctoral dissertation under her direction. At Clark, one of Buttimer's central research interests was the relationship between physical and human worlds and how the particular lived dynamics of that relationship played a role in facilitating place-making and human community, particularly in cities. One question she and her graduate students explored was how the everyday time-space routines of individuals and groups helped to transform space into place and how personal and group identification with place could facilitate a sense of locality and urban neighborhood (Buttimer 1969, 1971b, 1972, 1976, 1980; Buttimer and Seamon 1980; Rowles 1978; Seamon 1979, 1993a, 1994, 2000, 2002; Seamon and Nordin 1980; Seamon and Mugerauer 1985).