Attempts were then made to detect and measure costs against each of the cost elements listed in the BS 6143 guide1 (the 1981 version of the Standard). A list of abbreviated elements, their coding and the corresponding coding used by the ASQ2 is shown in Table 7.1. Each element given in Table 7.1 is fully defined in the body of this chapter. It should be noted that some revision of the cost elements has been made in BS 6143: Part 2.3 Table 7.1 corresponding sections in BS 6143 and ASQ Quality Costs-What and Howcategorization of

The company, which is an approved supplier to the Ministry of Defence, has a comprehensive quality manual clearly setting out the responsibilities of quality, production, engineering and other personnel for quality-related matters. The man­ ual contains no reference to quality costs other than warranty. There was, how­ ever, a clear acknowledgement of the existence of quality costs in the company.