econciliation ~nd vertu~ ~f the true nature. At the lafi he adclcth to · makevp the matter; And thou which rccciucfi bread, 1art made partaker in _tha,t fpirituall fcod, of the diuin fubftance. : · We learnc by the ~mho ririe of this fo great a man, that that which we take in t~e f.1cramcm,is a fpiritual, not a corporall food; neither rhat that fldh is to beta-, ken afrer the mancrof h1s proper flcih, as thecapernait .did,and vvith offence went backc , bur together with the omvvard figne we obtaine the grace and venue o the true nature , and rcceimng the bread arc partakers ofhis diuinc fubfiancc. And here alfo we fcc that Am brofe was of the fame opinion that Emilfeneu was, and far orherwifc vnderfianderh both the alteration which is m:1.de in the f.tcraments, and alfo the very terme o fubfiance,thcn it is either taken in proper [peach, or as Philofophcrs do naturally fpeakc. ·. _ _ To the f.< me purpofc ferueth alfo that which he wri