Fot th~·wce fpcakeofc~times ·.=· iU when Eaftcrib.~ hand·, we fay ,The lords pafsio~.t fhal b~ to morr9w ,or the next day,whcre' hcciilffi:rcd (o many!yccrcs: agoe, :and that pafsion hath ncucr.bccn dorie but ocic_e~ .L,kc.l, wife vpon the .. vcry: Eafl:er:<4y_:we~fay;:~,!~ '4ay :t:he Lord rofe ~game, whe? f~celiee rofe ag~e, ~". m.any yeeres are p~~'i ~hr ~s ~onefo foplilh·~~-reprou~~:vs~ _and faywdte·_m Co. ~ayu'lg,: Butbccau[eweevfeto ~all· thcfe 'dayes accordmg to me: fimilitude of; them m which thefe thingcs were done~:S<>: that· It is called the fime day which is nQtthefatile> but by.c~mrfe·of.time is like vntoit~ 'and ids'faid co,bedone that dayfot.the minillring of the Sacramenr·,which was notdonethat day but long·agoe. J Was not Chrift once offered in· ... _-. _ himfelfe~ yetin the' Sacrament, not ondy in all the fo:..: -. · o 'lemnities of Eafter ~but cuery day hee'is a.ffercd to the . - people. Againe he lieth not,that being asked the que;. ilion,dothanfwere that he is offere-d.: for ifche·Sacra