7-:> The fourth [ennon. · ~\3~coucr. i»bm l)c fptnketl) l)ofue fntlltt4 ctugl)t to bcl)auc tl)cm ftlucli to warne tl)ep~ cl)p~ r»tcn we l}tlttc to }latl)cr in gcncr all( as t)atl) bene Cato I) ere bcfo~t )y lt in not pnougt) y_iuc p~ocure tl)at gon be !JlO~tfitn nunng O'tr hfc,but roe ougl]t to tefirt ru1l)tlt nrunc i!t immu~rnll fo tl)at fro age to age it map be l)ono~cn,tt tl)at tl)ofc ivbtdJ fi)all tome nfttt bs,map hr~E f pure rcltgtij,~ tl)at tl}c rcrutcc of aoon map neucr fall in nccal?c• ti:l)at tt mape b~ foto~co ann anuaunc:cn al'Wapc ann tl)at tl)c goonnc.G of avon mapc be cucrp ini)tn magni:: ficn.'E:I)cp tlJat l)nuc cl)tln~c,lct tl)cm knoroe tl)at \f. on l}atb committeD tl)cm incl)nrgc to t1Je,~ tl)at tl)ep mu!t rcnb~c an a"ompt tf tl)cy bcfto)v notal traunill to tcacl)ctl)cm to fcruc as on •. :ffo~ wl)m tt tG f<WD tl)at tiJC f,1tl)Ct fball Ibcwc to l)tG d)ilb[.C tlJC trntt) of {';oD, \»c mufl: alwat come to ti}t.G cnn. nJIJrrto this cnne tiJutthc cl)tto~cn map nun in l)im,tiJdt tlJcpmap call bpon l)im, tlJattl)cp mavc )!cue to l)tm the P}ilrfc of all goon tt)pngcg, f thqa map lJctltCt1tc ~ cofccmtc tl)c fctuc.cs \vl)Ol!J to l)im, (f to f}tG obctnfcr:/E:I)c iffatl)crs inil. blfc~argJl}e fclnc.n oft}Jc~~ nuttcrs,lct t}Jctn ftnoinctl}at tl)w ts