On 9 September 1732 Henry Newman (1670-1743), secretary for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (SPCK) in London, assured Samuel Urlsperger (1685-1772), senior of the Lutheran ministry in Augsburg that “[…] tho’ I have no Authority to desire You to send any of the Exiles (that may hereafter be obliged to leave Saltzburg for the sake of Religion) this way, yet there is reason to believe if it were not for the Greatness of the Expence that would attend their Transportation that they would be welcome to the worthy Gentlemen concerned in the Undertaking mentioned in the Enclosed Print, which they themselves have published to make known their Design […]”1 Enclosed Urlsperger found a report about the future colony of Georgia that the “worthy Gentlemen” (the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia [Trustees]) had published to promote their New World undertaking.