Modern philanthropy manifests itself in two ways: in the first place as philanthropic institutions, sometimes with their own organizations, training facilities and supervisory institutions. Philanthropic institutions are emerging in many EU countries; they are making their mark, and in some cases this has led to the establishment of sectors or branches. This process is currently under way in Europe. Once philanthropic institutions have established separate sectors or branches they form part of the non-profit sector, even though there are clear distinctions. For, although all philanthropic institutions are nonprofit organizations, not all non-profit organizations are philanthropic institutions. In addition, philanthropy is a source of income for nonprofit organizations. Universities, hospitals and cultural institutions are ever more frequently and intensively involved in fundraising. Aside from government funding and their own market income, fundraising has proven an attractive option for these non-profit organizations. These issues will be explored in this chapter. The theoretical aspects of the processes involved in establishing sectors and branches, profiling and professionalization will also be explored in depth.