In recent years, rural tourism has attracted a steadily increasing level of research attention, stimulated by two factors. first, tourism demand for rural areas is growing (Cavaco, 1995; Dernoi, 1983; Fleischer and Pizam, 1997; Hummelbrunner and Miglbauer, 1994; Lane, 1994). Second, rural tourism has arrived on the political-economic agenda, the hope being that tourism business can alleviate the consequences of a decline in traditional means of rural employment (Butler, Hall, and Jenkins, 1998; Cavaco 1995; Fleischer and Pizam 1997; Gannon, 1994; Hjalager, 1996; Lane 1994; Luloff et al., 1994; Nilsson, 1996; 1999; Page and Getz, 1997b; Sharpley and Sharpley, 1997; S0rensen, 1997; Weaver, 1997).