In the following overview, we will first in ­ troduce the distinguishing features of the highly com petitive opera industry and establish the context of key managerial and financial chal­ lenges during Gye's tenure. We then trace the artistic policies tha t underpinned the success of his company and the forces tha t helped to shape them . This discussion finally turns to examine the activities and criteria tha t guided Gye's recruitm ent of singers, the m ost im por­ tan t component of his success. Throughout, we draw from the diaries to docum ent the m ost notable artistic m ilestones of Gye's career, in ­ cluding the introduction of grand opera to En­ gland, his close association w ith Meyerbeer, and his considerable influence on the careers of Adelina Patti and Emma Albani.