In late 1942, as he was writing the essays that would become the fi rst chapter of Notes Towards the Defi nition of Culture, T.S. Eliot could scarcely have wished for a more secure position in the world of letters. The American who had arrived in London with no work and few connections three decades earlier was now a power broker in English poetry, having helped launch the Auden circle as a director at Faber and Faber. He had recently seen such high demand for “East Coker” that the New English Weekly issued a special reprint. The full version of Four Quartets would soon debut in combined American and English press runs of 12,000-24 times that of Prufrock and Other Observations, marking his arrival at “something resembling a mass audience for poetry” (Sharpe 159). Notes Towards the Defi nition of Culture is a confi dent selfassertion in the Arnoldian role of cultural sage.1 Three years after its appearance, Eliot’s visage would adorn the cover of the Atlantic Monthly, perched above a classical odeon as storm clouds gathered behind him, looking, as David Chinitz aptly describes it, as if he were standing at the center of his own “personal shrine” (“Divide” 237).