G r a c . W hy, my Lord, are you fo ignorant, Imeanun-' knowingi to fct any bounds to your promife to a Miftris ? W h y, you fhould run'full lpeed unto all you thought fhe would have, or could pofllbly defire, to make her think you were one mad , and dying for her s and when y* have won-her, and are married v then you may do as moft married men does, pace them in the performance, or quite bed-rid them v or; if you will keep in the rank of the beft Husbands/why then you muft* make your W ife Patibn of your Courtings, Vows, and Promifes, and give her the Tyths* for when they have run out of their wits £o far, that it cannot keep*-em From going’ to Service, *tis fit they know they have a Mafter-

Enter P w & and i^rcajia. . . Per.. Your Servant, my Lord.