JVfhU Hei, hti Xhandfom,kether! fitrefbmebody.has been rouling him in die Rice 3 firrah, you a fpoil’d your clothes. [ offers to beat H off'. k

Chav. Nay, vi hat dedo, Faatlier ? now to zee your ignorance, why, ’tis all the fafhion, man 3 it came over with'the laft Ship camein her®, there’s no-hod y look’d upon that is not bedon zo 3 nay,^; they zay the fine Ladie/like it Yohugeoufly, they powder their Dogs and Monkeys. ^ V \ . .. .,p.k'fo;. ft fo Mut. Nay, nay, an ’tis. 1 he fafhion, w ill and good, I’m contented. Chav. Well, but where’s ihiz hanzom Gentlewoman ? '(haunt I -zee k :

her ? adzflefti, 1 want to be at her, as a body may zajvk fo Fairand fofily Son at her, marry gap, pray keep your d Yancey

end make a fine'Lcg every time you Ipeak to her 3 before you behave your ft If hrndfon ly. . Chav. Why wl at a-pies, iz flie made of, muften (hebe tucht ?. zure

a Man may bails her, uz a body may zay, and no harm dun. - ■ Mut. Hark’e, Sirrah, don’t you be zawcy, huf keepycur Bufles to k

your felf you’d be ft, foe may be angry, and leave us in a ’petty and /then what fliali we act by your Bufles? / k-• fofo

Chav. Well, well,-ifI mniicnt Imuffent, what a coil is here about a kufs ! marry. I’ve laid o’er the Lips as good as foe,and no difparagcnient tober: Are ail die S im s come up? when muft we begin ? J iong' to be at it. ? : (jhahps his Legs. :

Met. Not till foe come, ’rwont be long firft. A i v k Chav Here’s a heavy fufs with her .3 an inow iif fibe wont haverafo:

body, after all, why then all the F. t’o in.the Fire again." fo. fo k k: - £»/rr IkLkoemeah SardcL ; ...