C./d. Iris true, Ericina ,^ our afflictions do ufually re-• ccive abatement from not being fingle Sufferers shut love ‘ admits not of allays, like other ills; nor is that humor f in my mind ) fo generally to be boafted of: Befides, Love, when it firfi takes poffeffion of our h ea r tsd e ­ prives us of our Reafon* and that's the chief refilling ilrength, * by which we oppofition make againft all othcr accidents of Fortunes malice. ,

Eric. I cannot think a Paflion by Gods and Men fo Deified, can carry in it fo much deftrudive danger 5 for if it robs our Souls of Reafon, it makes .us like to Beafts:

i . And certainly Heaven nete defign’dthat Metamorphofis, from whence wehaye receiv’d the higheft proof of that

i All-conquering Paflion •• Befides, fonie withtheir Reaion W /nake their Choice* and what it does approve, it may

‘ ■ fubfilt