Heart, Madam,- in plain terms you haveftolnitj $nd it you ftirout of this Garden" without reftitution, or my confcnt to keep it, hang me if 1 fend not a Hue and Cry af­ ter you; .

Luc. Lord, Madam, that you fhould thinkfo/' As if a Rich Miftris were to be prefer'd before aMifti isRich. Do ■ you think I am fo ill bred to difplace yout Title fo, to put money before it ? No, it fhall never take the precedency. It is as much as I defire that I am certain it is one of yourattendants : for where Marriage is made, and that a iervant to neither party, there is always to be fure but beg­ garly houfc-keeping, and I love good company as my lite .,

PeriUi. VVell, 1 will not injure my wit lb much to take fcven years confidcration to make up at lift a bad bargain:; as if a great deal of time were rcquifite to undo oncs-feli